![]() It was almost time for the trip back home. Information had been gathered and recorded and samples had been sorted, and labeled. The final stop, to gather the last items they had come for, was the Mid Atlantic region of North America in the city of Baltimore. It was a hotbed of Suvian activity, but this was not the reason for their visit. The mushroom princess Auda, lived there and had a gift for them. Her alchemy skills were know across the universe and a gift from her was a prized thing indeed. The Discomedusae ship hovered silently over the Belvedere while the scouts were sent to explore and study the residents and surface. The Marquis however headed underground for his appointment with the Princess Auda. Through sewers and tunnels and caverns he finally came upon her humble home and she was waiting for him. No guards were in place and the formality of her title had long since dissolved along with her kingdom. Her posture revealed that the centuries had been a burden on her bones, but her regal silk-gown indicated that she was still not completely removed from her title. The Marquis bent his three boneless legs and exposed the jellied dome of his head in a bow. “Ebb…dear friend, there is no need for that.” Auda said with the hint of a smile as she waved her hand in the air. Brushing away the formality of the gesture. Her smile remained slightly as the memory surfaced of times where this was commonplace and she had a servant for every need. “So good to see you. It has been an eternity.” Ebb hugged Auda like the close friends they were. They had a bond of friendship that was outside the constraints of time and distance. “Come in, come in.” Princess Auda motioned for the Marquis to follow her into her home. “I have some things for you, but first some treats.” The Princess and the Marquis exchanged stories and reminisced over tea and then cordials and snacked on both sweet and savory tarts. Before they knew it, hours had passed and it was time for Ebb to depart. Auda took two boxes from the table in the corner and presented then to Ebb. “These are for you to bring back with you. Some of my most prized fungi.” The boxes were labeled Lycoperdon Hystrix and Agaricus Forentibus. “I want these protected. I have the only ones of these in existence and they must not become extinct. Help them flourish back home. There are only a few dozen left here and I protect them with my life.” She then picked up a large box from beneath the table and carefully handed it over. “This is the most important of all my dear friend. Protect the Krelt. They will thrive if you let them, but they are sensitive to toxins. Only a handful of their clan remain and I govern over them.” The box was labeled Calocera Anemonem and there was movement from within. “They are excited for the journey.” Auda smiled. “Be gentle with them. They have feelings and remember everything. There were once rivers of their rainbow tentacles and I hope there will be again on your home.” “This is very generous. I will care for them all.” Ebb said as he left. “You will need to visit and see. I will protect them as you have.” The Marquis made his way back to his ship and as the last of the scouts returned, he secured his precious cargo. The craft closed the hangars and as they prepared for departure, Ebb amended his report for this trip. It had been noted that despite the blue and green that covered the planet, Earth was toxic and dying and the case was hopeless. The samples they had collected would perish here. Ebb added - Report From Zone 1 - There is still hope for this planet after all. The mushroom princess Auda, keeper of the fungi, is strong still despite her age and will not permit extinction. She is not alone. The Princess indicates the other keepers are strong as well. We will return to see. Comments are closed.
Blog StatementAs of October 2016, I intended to use this blog as an accompaniment to my Facebook page and Instagram page. On this blog I post information and updates about my work as well as once a month I highlighted an artist whose work I like (I stopped doing this when I opened my gallery www.GalleryBlueDoor.com). As of March 2017, I began posting a monthly Story Entry with an accompanying illustration of mine. In mid-2019 I took a break from this, but it will resume. Archives
November 2019