Born in Adelaide, South Australia where he still lives, Thomas Sionnach didn’t begin seriously painting until December 2015. Since then his emotional, expressionist portraits have made a big impact. As a self-described insular kid, he used to draw and used art as a comfort zone from the outer world. These caricature drawings lead to a job opportunity with a graphic arts firm at the age of 16, but he turned it down. Thomas played guitar and punk and alt rock scene was too alluring at that stage in his life. After battling alcoholism for some time, he was able to quit cold turkey and went back to art, where he began exploring acrylic paints and learned on his own how best to use this medium. Sionnach’s paintings are raw and full of life and passion and it shows in his bold stokes of the pallet knife and in the subtle refinement with the brush. His paintings take shape as he works on them and lets the painting decide where it goes. Some of his work will soon be in The Address Gallery in Brescia, Italy via the Minerva Art Fund, and his popularity is growing quickly. Thomas works days as a chef and carves out time at night to create his thought provoking paintings of beauty, sadness, loneliness, and even hope. It was not easy to decide which painting to highlight, but I ended up with Alone With My Thoughts. The depth and struggle of the figure reached out to me, but please follow the links below and see his other incredible, raw, and expressive portraits. Facebook - Instagram - Comments are closed.
Blog StatementAs of October 2016, I intended to use this blog as an accompaniment to my Facebook page and Instagram page. On this blog I post information and updates about my work as well as once a month I highlighted an artist whose work I like (I stopped doing this when I opened my gallery As of March 2017, I began posting a monthly Story Entry with an accompanying illustration of mine. In mid-2019 I took a break from this, but it will resume. Archives
November 2019