Among Us
A series inspired by found objects, Among Us, shows the creatures that i see that object is a part of. The inspiration does not always begin from a single object, but often times it begins from a shadow or a stain or even the way a beam of light falls across a room. Each piece in this series has a found object placed with in it which I saw as the creatures eye or mouth or even as an object used on or by the creature in the painting. This series included work that I created from around the year 2000 to 2005.
I began work earlier, in the 90’s that inspired this collection and those pieces can be found on this website under “Boxes” at the bottom of this page. Those pieces also contain found objects and were paintings within cigar boxes or their lids.
I began work earlier, in the 90’s that inspired this collection and those pieces can be found on this website under “Boxes” at the bottom of this page. Those pieces also contain found objects and were paintings within cigar boxes or their lids.